Socialist Worker


Money urgently needed

(SW, 21 August 1969)


This whole issue of Socialist Worker is devoted to Ireland. We regret that we are unable to carry many of our usual features but we are sure that our readers will appreciate the importance of the Irish situation and the need to combat the barrage of lies and distortion in the millionaire press.

The events in Ireland have shown the vital importance of our printshop. Since the uprising began last week our presses have been at work churning out leaflets and broadsheets not only for this country but also for our comrades on the barricades in Bogside and Belfast.

On the day British troops went into Northern Ireland we produced for the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign a special broadsheet that declared “Tear gas, murder, machine guns, the British army, won’t stop the Irish people’s struggle”, plus many thousands of leaflets advertising last Sunday’s ICRSC rally in London.

And this week, as well as this special issue of the paper, we have printed leaflets and broadsheets for Northern Ireland.

All this has put a great strain on our limited resources. We consider It our revolutionary duty to lay our presses at the disposal of those in the thick of the fight against British imperialism and its Orange stooges. But we urgently require financial assistance to allow us to continue this work.

Unless we receive help, we may have to postpone our plans for a six-page Socialist Worker.

Please rush money to us NOW! Socialist Worker has been the only Left-wing paper in Britain that has supported from the outset the struggle against the Ulster police state. Help us to keep up the good work.


Send to Socialist Worker, 6 Cottons Gdns, London E2.


Last updated on 7.3.2002