REDS – Die Roten > Middle East | Nahosten > Isr./Pal. (Current) | Isr./Pal. (Aktuell)
From: "PCJP" <>
Subject: Urgent
Date: Thu, Mar 22, 2001, 7:59 AM
Dear friends,
Below is an appeal issued by faculty members and students of Israeli universities, which appeared in the Palestinian newspapers this morning. We appreciate this gesture, which we hope will spread among more Israelis. We hail these activists, as their role is crucial in bringing peace to the area.
The Palestinian Council for Justice and Peace
To Faculty Members of Palestinian Universities!
We, faculty members and students of Israeli universities, extend our arms to you, in solidarity with your just cause, against the Israeli military forces repression of the popular uprising. The liberation of the Palestinian from foreign domination and the self-determination of the Palestinian people of their own fate, including founding a Palestinian State, are the goals of every person who cherishes democracy. These are also our goals.
Academic faculty members in the occupied territories! We wish to cooperate with you in opposing the IDF’s brutal policy of siege, closure and curfews. Instead of evacuating the Jewish settlements, Israel takes these cruel measures in order to defend them, thus causing the unbearable suffering of the whole of the Palestinian population. We are convinced that the free association between us may serve as a precedent-setting example for future relation between the two communities in this country, our Shared country.
This appeal was signed by one hundred and forty signatures from Ben-Gurion University, Technino, Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan, Hebrew University, Haifa University, Open University and Tel Hai Academic College.
Last updated on 4.8.2001