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Lenni Brenner: The Iron Wall.
First published in 1984 by Zed Books, London.
Copyright © 1984 Lenni Brenner. All Rights Reserved. Reposted here by permission
The Iron Wall by Lenni Brenner is presented online for personal use only.
No portions of this book may be reprinted, reposted or published without written permission from the author.
Transcribed and marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for REDS – Die Roten.
1. Jabotinsky: the Early Years
Parents and Schooling
Early Career
Return to Odessa
A Psychoanalytic Interpretation
2. Russian Zionism: Treason to the Jews
Russia: The First Revolution
The Zionist Movement
Marxism and the Bund
Jabotinsky’s Writings
3. Jabotinsky in Constantinople
The Importance of Turkey
Herzl’s Tactics in the Ottoman Empire
Zionist Policy with the New Regime
4. Collaborating with Tsarism and British Imperialism
The First World War and the Jewish Legion
World Jewish Reaction to the War
The Balfour Declaration
5. The Founder of the Haganah
Zionism After the First World War
Palestine After the War
The Haganah
Jabotinsky’s Trial and Sentence
6. Pact with the Devil – Simon Petliura
Resignation from the World Zionist Organization
Jabotinsky’s Explanation
7. Founding Principles of Zionist Revisionism
After the Resignation: Revisionism
Jabotinsky’s Literary Output
8. The Years of Fascism and Terror
Palestine in the 1920s
The 1930s
The Revisionists in the WZO: a Fascist Tendency?
The Final Split with the WZO
The Great Palestinian Revolt
Diaspora Revisionism
Jabotinsky: The Last Year
A Final Evaluation
9. Menachem Begin: The Early Years
The Eve of World War II
10. Begin During the Holocaust
Exodus from Poland
Arrest of Begin
The Polish Exile Army
Departure of the Army-in-Exile
11. The Revolt
The Split in the Irgun
The Irgun Revolt
12. The Revolt: Part 2
The Resistance Movement
The Displaced Persons and US Support for Zionism
Impact of the Irgun Revolt
The UN Vote
“Smite Them Hip and Thigh”: Dir Yassin
Proclamation of the State of Israel
The Freedom Party – Tnuat HaHerut
13. The 29 Years in the Desert
Herut: Early Election Performance
The 1950s
The 1960s
The 1970s
General Sharon and the Likud
The Likud Election Victory
14. The Road to Sabra and Shatila
Sadat and the Camp David Agreement
The Israeli Economy under Begin
Intra-Jewish Antagonisms
Religious Bigotry Under Begin
Ploughshares Into Swords: Israeli Arms Export
US Support for Israel
The Chosen People Choose Again: The 1981 Election
The Increase in Racism
The Holocaust in Beirut
The Massacre and the Commission of Enquiry
15. Yitzhak Shamir Takes Over
Begin Resigns
Shamir’s Background
The Maddest of the Mad
Stern is Killed
The Further Path of Terror
The Stern Gang’s New Respectability
The Assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte
From Underground Terrorist to State Terrorist
The Massacre
Shamir Comes to Power: The Silence is Deafening
The Economic Crisis
America Comes to the Rescue
The Future
Appendix 1
Vladimir Jabotinsky: The Iron Wall
Appendix 2
Stern Gang: Grundzüge des Vorschlages der Irgun Zewai Leumi
betreffend der Lösung der jüdischen Frage Europas
und der aktiven Teilnahme der N.M.O. am Kriege
an der Seite Deutschlands
(The original German version of the infamous proposal for collaboration between the Stern Gang and the Nazis)
(Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization in Palestine
(Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe
and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the Side of Germany)
Appendix 3
Drew Middleton: South Africa Needs More Arms, Israeli Says
(New York Times, 14 December 1981)
Last updated on 1.7.2002