Was gibt’s Neues


REDS – Die Roten


What’s New?


8 November 2011

Added to the Middle East Archive: Haim Hanegbi, Moshe Machover u. Akiva Orr: Der Klassencharakter Israels (1969).

14 September 2011

Added to the Middle East Archive: Sameh Naguib: Die ägyptische Revolution (2011).

29 August 2011

Added to the Middle East Archive: Alex Callinicos: Die Rückkehr der arabischen Revolution (2011).

29 July 2011

Added to the Middle East Archive: Maryam Poya: Iran 1979 – Lang lebe die Revolution! ... Lang lebe der Islam? (1987).

4 June 2011

Added to the Gender Politics Archive: Jane Pritchard: Sexarbeiterinnen – eine Debatte (2011).

15 July 2010

Added to the Racism & Fascism Archive: Richard Seymour: Rassismus gestern und heute (2010).

24 June 2010

Added to the Marxist Theory Archive: Einde O’Callaghan: Radical Royals (1988).
Added to the Workers’ Movement Archive: Einde O’Callaghan: Skin deep socialist paper (1989).
Added the Ireland Archive: Einde O’Callaghan: All power to ... the Limerick Soviet (1990).

23 June 2010

Added to The Balkans Archive: John Newsinger: British intervention and the Greek Revolution (2002).
Added to the Religion Archive: John Rose: Karl Marx, Abraham Léon und die jüdische Frage (2008).

7 March 2007

Added to the Marxist Theory Archive: Alex Callinicos: Marxism and the National Question (1999), Chris Harman: The Return of the National Question (1992) & Sozialistische Arbeitergruppe (SAG): Nationale Befreiungsbewegungen und die Aufgaben von Sozialisten (1972).

6 November 2006

Added to the Religion Archive: Dave Crouch: The Bolsheviks and Islam (2006) & Dave Crouch: Die Bolschewiki und der Islam (2006).

27 February 2005

Added to the Former Eastern Bloc Archive: Peter Binns & Mike Gonzalez: Cuba, Castro and Socialism (1980) & Peter Binns: “Popular Power” in Cuba (1983).
Added to the Workers’ Movement Archive: Norah Carlin & Ian Birchall: Kinnock’s favourite Marxist – Eric Hobsbawm & the working class (1983).

2 February 2005

Added to the Religion Archive: Paul N. Siegel: The Meek and the Militant (Chapters 1, 2 & 9) (1986).

22 January 2005

Added to the Middle East Archive: Jonathan Neale: Afghanistan Impasse (1981).

21 January 2005

Added to the International Socialist Tendency Archive: Paul Foot: Tony Cliff Obituary (2000).


Earlier What’s New? Pages:
2001   2002   2003/2004


Last updated on 8.11.2011